Poems, Love Poems and Quotes, Love quotes, Friendship Poems, Facebook Quotes, Christmas Poems , Christmas Quotes

Sweet First Rain

The first rain reminds me Of the rising summer dust. The rain doesn’t remember the rain of yesteryear. A year is a trained beast with no memories. Soon you will again wear your harnesses, Beautiful and embroidered, to hold Sheer stockings: you Mare and harnesser in one body. The white panic of soft flesh In […]

Dance in the Rain

Let rain fall down Wake me uo Wash my dreams away I’m coming home I just want to run out There and Dance in the rain Come on everyone Do with me We can have All fun we can I be here and Waiting for you To come and Dance in the rain With me […]


It was a cold dreary night The rain beat upon the window It was a night such as this A man, the one i loved Took wing, and left my side I know he was called home But im so empty inside Our love will stand forever But I cannot hold forever And feel the […]

In My Lodge at Wang Chuan,(After a Long Rain.)

The woods have stored the rain, and slow comes the smoke As rice is cooked on faggots and carried to the fields; Over the quiet marsh-land flies a white egret, And mango-birds are singing in the full summer trees…. I have learned to watch in peace the mountain morningglories, To eat split dewy sunflower-seeds under […]

Horses and Men in Rain

LET us sit by a hissing steam radiator a winter’s day, gray wind pattering frozen raindrops on the window, And let us talk about milk wagon drivers and grocery delivery boys. Let us keep our feet in wool slippers and mix hot punches—and talk about mail carriers and messenger boys slipping along the icy sidewalks. […]


Rain on the green grass And rain on the tree, And rain on the housetop, But not upon me.

The Rain

Pitter-patter, raindrops, Falling from the sky; Here is my umbrella To keep me safe and dry! When the rain is over, And the sun begins to glow, Little flowers start to bud, And grow and grow and grow!

The Rain

Rain on the green grass, And rain on the tree, And rain on the house top, But not on me!

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