Christmas day
This Christmas I hope my family is better
This Christmas I hope my friends are happy
With out Jesus we wouldn’t have Christmas
to be with our families
Christmas is my favor holiday and my
favor time of the year
Christmas is the best time of year to be
with family and friends
Christmas is holidays to be thankful and glad
we are a live
Christmas was my aunt favor hoilday of the
year and my grand ma
Christmas was the time my family have
good time and was thankful
Christmas is the times I had with my mom and
brother when they was not fighting in family
Christmas was the best for us
This Christmas I hope it is best for everyone
like it use to be
Christmas is the be thankful that we have home and
food and family and friends spend that with
Christmas is when we all us to come alive and
have fun together
Christmas when I got new family in my life with
my boyfriend
Christmas is the day I will always remember with
my family and friends on the time we all had time
for one another.