Come To Jesus
Isn’t there more to life?
Is this all there is?
Imprisoned by our need for control,
trapped by insatiable desires
for worldly pleasures,
we are oppressed by our desperate hunger
for approval and love
from everyone
except the One who loves us most.
Straining, fighting to release
a familiar yet unknown burden,
we struggle to flee the tension, the stress
from the inner knowing
that our lives are incomplete
without Him who created us.
Parched, thirsting for more, more, more
of something we can’t even define,
racing in the wrong direction,
we search everywhere
except the one place
where what we really want
can actually be found.
Turn around.
Come to Jesus.
He is hope;
He is joy;
He is freedom,
direction, and purpose.
Come to Jesus.
Let Him carry your burdens.
Surrender your pain to His love.
Turn from darkness to the Son,
to the beacon Who will always light your way.
Come to Jesus.
He is waiting…
waiting to lead you home.
Joanna Fuchs