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Archive for the 'Fog poems' Category


The fog comes on little cat feet.   It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. by Carl Sandburg


Fog it grabs you and strangles you till you die. fog is alot like you.you wait till the right moment and then kill, kill, kill. Fog you cant see throw it and is the best way to kill. you walk in the fog kill me and run. run to save yourself and to tell the […]


Foggy mist, misty fog Marvellous manifestation Of magnificent nature! Weary winter Heralds The splenderous spring! The fog Strong enough to blind Quite weak to stand The stare of raising Sun! The fog in life, problems in life Strong enough to blind Cannot stand The stare of sparkling mind! Fog deprives Physical vision Foggy mind denies […]


The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. by Carl Sandburg

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