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Archive for the 'Fear poems' Category

Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself

Villagers scurry like ants at the howl of the chimera and the griffon’s call. Nowhere to hide from the hydra, the centaur, or the dragon. Man-eaters one and all. One man alone will stand his ground and, like a mountain, bars the way. The stance, the face, the attitude. All say he fears nothing but […]

When I have Fears That Cease To Be

When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has glean’d my teeming brain, Before high – piled books, in charact’ry, Hold like rich garners the full-ripen’d grain; When I behold, upon the night’s starr’d face, Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, And feel that I may never live to […]

Fear In The Middle Of The Night

Fear in the middle of the night- Fear and horrible imaginings- Fear of my life, Fear for those I love and our world, Fear in the early morning Fear and more fear- Fear broken a bit by the light, Fear broken a bit by morning prayer, Fear broken a bit by ‘learning’, Fear broken a […]


There’s nothing to fear – you’re as good as the best, As strong as the mightiest, too. You can win in every battle or test; For there’s no one just like you. There’s only one you in the world today; So nobody else, you see, Can do your work in as fine a way: You’re […]

Fare Thee Well

Ronald Wilson Reagan 1911-2004 A loving touch to the flag-draped casket A gentle caress once more, She mourns a husband she so loved She does not want to let him go, She pats the coffin as if to say, “There, there Ronnie, I will be with you again one day”. Tenderness, devotion in her heart […]

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