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America Her Rise And Fall

America your kingdom calls
America her rise and fall
Oh America land of the free
Mighty protector
Of our oceans and seas
With warships and carriers
Patrolling the universe
Escorting Kuwaiti oil tankers
Enforcing the international water pact
While our coastlines and boarders
Are over trampled by the importation
Of deadly contrabands and drugs
America your kingdom calls
America her rise and fall

Homeless citizens hungry and cold,
Weak and sick
The elders mistreated,
The children molested
Hospitals to busy to cater to the poor
Neighborhoods to pure to integrate
Land where the pilgrim cried
Land where our fathers died
Enslaved, tarred and feathered,
Tortured, shot, beaten and transformed
INTO WHAT? ? ? ?
America your kingdom calls
America her rise and fall

Daisies grow tall over the graves
Of those who have passed
Michael Steward, Eleanor Bumpers,
Michael Griffin, Amedu Diallo
The casualties are mounting
Penitentiaries over flooded
With prisoners of war
Trained to flounder,
To stumble and fall
Trained from childhood
For the unenviable role
Of supporting actor
In a one man show
Racism continues to prosper and grow
Yes there’s still racism
Sub-par housing and discrimination
Second class education
And non-representative legislation
Stuck beneath the totem pole
Ask not for whom the next bell tolls
Oh America your kingdom calls
America her rise and fall

Mustafa Marconi

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