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I am

I am the girl who u call when everything goes wrong
I am the girl who u come to for advice
I am the girl who u tell everything to
I am the girl who’s heart is breaking
I am the girl who wanted you
I am the girl who needed you
I am the girl who had all that I wanted at one time
I am the girl who let u go
I am the girl who let u go again
I am the girl who your parents love
I am the girl who has dreams that seem impossible
I am the girl who will seek my dreams
I am the girl who cheers for the losers
I am the girl who believes anything is possible
I am the girl who has confidence in your decisions
I am the girl who will be saying go for it
I am the girl who wants to give up but wont
I am the girl who has answers for everything
I am the girl who is your best friend
I am the girl who will leave someday
I am the girl who will say goodbye with tears in my eyes
I am the girl who u will call when everything has went wrong

lindsey kidd

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